How to Attract a Woman

How to Attract a Woman

Zoey Bird |

A lot has been written, said, and mythologised about the art of men attracting women.

Calling it an ‘art’ is in itself a serious misrepresentation, as it is not really an art, a science or a fixed skill like many would like to think.

There is no one way to attract a woman, and some of the qualities that women find attractive, such as physical appearance, may be out of the man's control.

However, this does not mean that you cannot control and put the odds in your favour, as attracting a woman is, in most cases, an emotional process rather than a physical or social endeavour.

Build Yourself Up, Especially Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence is attractive to everyone, not just women, and it is one of the most powerful traits that women find appealing.

Work on your social skills by engaging in activities such as volunteering or workshops where you will be exposed to strangers to build your confidence.

You can also seek professional help through counselling and other types of mental health treatment if you have problems with self-esteem and self-image.

You can also boost your self-confidence by learning new skills or a new language to help you stand out.

Working out can also help if you have body image issues and make you feel more confident.

Dress Well

Dressing well and getting complimented for it can significantly raise your confidence. But more importantly, dressing well helps you stand out and get noticed.

Get a good haircut, a nice-smelling cologne or deodorant, and use your fashion choices to showcase your personality.

Even bold fashion choices can help if you can show that you are comfortable in them and are not concerned about what other people think of you.

Get Your Life in Order

It is often said that women are attracted to wealth, power, and status. While this is mostly true, the problem is assuming that it is only possible when you have these characteristics at extreme levels like celebrities and athletes.

In reality, however, women are attracted to a man’s ability to demonstrate initiative, order, and self-sufficiency. Getting a job, getting your own place, and demonstrating self-sufficiency can make you instantly attractive.

Listen to Her

So far, we’ve focused on the man. Now let’s switch the attention to the lady. Give her plenty of it. Make her feel like she is the only one on your mind and the most important person in that moment to you.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by listening to her. Take note of the small details about her—what she likes, her jewelry, and the details of your conversations. Attention to detail can go a long way in proving to her that you are sincere.

Touch Her

This part requires a little bit of tact and finesse, as unwanted body contact is a complete turn-off.

Reading body language is important so that you do not spoil everything. Look out for signs such as eye contact, mirroring body language, and hints that she wants converse with you. Start small; don’t go for a kiss!

Her forearm is the most subtle place during those early conversations. Watch keenly how she responds to it. Stop if she shows obvious signs of disapproval or discomfort.

If you have built adequate rapport, she will find your courage attractive.

Make Her Laugh

Of course, we are not all born with Kevin Hart's or Chris Rock's comedic skills.

However, the average woman is not looking for you to sell out Madison Square Garden for your comedy special.

A willingness to make her laugh shows you want to make her smile while also showcasing your intellect.

Crack that dad joke, make that humorous observation. It will go a long way in breaking the tension. Just remember to keep them PG, as few things are as bad as a lewd joke that also fails to land.

Make Your Intentions Clear

The average woman probably gets all too much attention from guys with different intentions, most of whom she may not want.

It is important that you do not fall into this pile, which is often forgotten after the first interaction.

Make your intentions clear. During your first conversations, it should be clear to her that you are interested in meeting again for a date or something that is unmistakably romantic.

Do not keep her guessing, and this will especially be helpful if she is also interested in you.

Human attraction is all about taking chances, and one should always be aware of the risk of rejection.

However, remember to always focus on what you can change and keep in mind that rejection or approval from a stranger does not define you.

Social anxiety, nervousness, and doubt are normal parts of social interaction, and you should not feel defeated if you experience some of these obstacles.

Remember, if she is still not interested, it does not mean that you are not attractive; she just may not be the right person for you at that moment.

Instead, always give yourself credit whenever you are willing to make new connections with strangers.